Sunday, February 24, 2008


After the peace and luxury of Katelynn sleeping through the night two nights ago, the universe has returned to balance last night, as we went to put Katelynn down (around 10ish) she would doze off and then wake up screaming every 10 or 20 minutes, take 3 or 5 minutes to be consoled, then go right back to sleep. For 10 or 20 minutes. Around midnight, we decided that Jen, being terribly sick herself, would go to bed, and I would stay up and watch a movie I've been wanting to watch, but Jen hasn't (Danielson: A Family Movie), until Katelynn finally fell asleep for real.

So, when she was still coming and going after that movie, I popped in The Queen (which Jen may have been willing to watch, but wasn't exactly holding her breath about). Around 3 am I decided to feed Katelynn (she normally eats around this time). She happily drank her whole 4oz bottle (pretty typical for this feeding... or so I hear, it's the first time I've ever done it). She was then calm and peaceful when I laid her down to change her diaper, and I thought to myself, "self, she's finally ready for bed!"

She then proceeded to calmly projectile vomit her whole bottle across the living room floor. Which didn't bother her in the slightest. After a moment, I rocked her onto her side, then went and enlisted backup. Jen took her temperature (100.4), and we called a consulting nurse (the best perk of Group Health), and all decided to take her into the emergency room. Where they gave us some infant Tylenol, and Pedialite (both of which we have at home, of course), several hours of waiting, a $75 co-pay, and the assurance that we were smart to come in, but she was going to be fine, which I believe the punchline goes, "is priceless."

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